Speech Wellness

Yesterday I was speaking with my sister and I just heard myself blurt our these words “Speech Wellness” and I have liteally been thinking about it’s true meaning since I said it.

Its 2021 so I’m certain you’ve been hearing the word ‘wellness’ much too often and it’s starting to sound almost new-age’ish. It is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Wellness this and Wellness that…lol

As I pondered on “Speech Wellness” I started to realize how important it is and how it is TRUE representation (read physical or sound manifestation) of how ‘well’ one truly is.

wellness /ˈwɛlnəs/ noun

— the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.

The words I highlighted stuck out to me. It tells me that wellness is NOT passive! It doesn’t just happen…it must be sought out, worked towards and most importantly, desired.

speech /spiːtʃ/. noun

— the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.

— refers to the means of communication used by people. Speech is the expression of ideas and thoughts by means of articulate vocal sounds, or the faculty of thus expressing ideas and thoughts. … Speech, address, oration, harangue are terms for a communication to an audience.

It can be so disappointing to turn on a shiny well groomed stainless steel tap and see dirty water spilling out of it! No matter how clean the tap is the source of the water will determine the taste, color, smell and look of the water.

Its the same with our Speech, the wellspring of your inner man, thoughts and mind will appear in your speech, you cannot hide it! It is who you are, just like the shiny tap, you can wear the finest of jewels and garments and once you speak, anyone who sees can likely determine your wells.

Its funny but even I catch myself ‘utter ugly speech’ sometimes and I just know I need to fix my well — I start to watch what I’m listening to, what I’m surrounding myself with and what I’m taking in generally.

Heres’ a challenge: Make an active watch on your speech this week? Is it good?

If you can say Yes, that’s amazing! I’ll encourage you stay in the wells of goodness, don’t stop.

If you realize: Nope, this isn’t good speech. I’ll encourage you to actively pursue goodness.

Remember: Wellness the state of being good and must be actively pursured.

#Wellness #Speech #Goodness #Good

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